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元旦的英文祝词有哪些(新年祝福除了Happy New Year,还能说什么?)

时间:2024-11-07 10:00:04


我上中学那会儿,同学间还流行互赠贺卡。每回想祝词都让我绞尽脑汁。后来发现可以用英文充数,但还是有问题,因为除了Happy New Year,我不会写别的!


Happy New Year!

Best wishes for the coming year!

May all your dreams come true!


每到要写或说新年祝福语的时候,仍然离不开这三板斧。好在现如今我们不用靠研究贺卡来深入学习了,今天晓华就带大家看看,除了Happy New Year,还有什么常用的祝福语,适合在新年送出。





1. wish系列

wish应该是新年祝福里最最常用的词了。就好像中文里“祝…”“愿…”一样,包括Wishing you……,Wish you……等。


Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Wishing you a super-duper extra lucky Happy New Year!

Wishing you a happy and magical New Year!

Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wishing you a great New Year filled with happiness and success!

Wishing you and your family a prosperous New Year!

Wish your life to be always bright!

敲黑板:如果用wish或wishing开头,在happy new year前面要加a。new year前请自行添加happy, lucky, successful, prosperous, safe等褒义形容词。


2. best系列

包括……all the best, best wishes……,best of everything等。


Best wishes for my very best friend!

Wishing you all the very best!

May the best of everything happen to you in the coming year!

敲黑板:由于best只能做名词或形容词,所以必须跟wish, hope, may等一起服用才行。


3. may系列


May you touch the height of glory and success!

May each day of New Year keep getting better and better for you!

May this New Year bring smile and happiness on your face and resolve all the worries.

May the New Year give fresh and joyful start to your life!

May you have a year that is filled with love, laughter, brightness and hope!

敲黑板:May开头的句子,后面通常跟整句,可以may you...,也可以may the new year/the coming year...


4. hope系列

可以说I hope……,也可以说hoping……,hope……。总之,祝辞并不一定非要是整句。


I hope you have a promising and wonderful New Year!

I hope that new year brings more success, lots of happiness, joy, fewer disasters, fewer sorrows.

I hope that new year brings a good change in your life and fulfill all your dreams and goals.

Here's hoping that all your loved ones will be happy and healthy!


5. Let系列

let……也是常用的祝福句式。既可以用let's do sth.的句型,也可以说let sth. do sth.的句型。

Let the old year end and New Year start with happiness and new inspirations and aims.

Let's celebrate new and fresh beginnings, and forget all the sorrows and frightened past!

Before social network sites get flooded with messages, before the mobile networks get busy, let me take a moment to wish you a very happy, healthy and wonderful New Year.


今天的配文照片,是我们一家人的,也是一年生活的缩影。在这里,晓华、Emma和Uncle Ting,祝大家在新的一年里,都能健康快乐,与家人和谐相处,英语启蒙之路走得更加顺畅!